Mindfulness & Interprofessional Wellness Seminar #6

Roles / Responsibilities Limitations

Event date: 2/14/2020 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM iCal Export

Location: Robert M. Bird Health Sciences Library

Room: Auditorium

Topic: "Roles / Responsibilities Limitations"

For More Information Contact:

OUHSC-IPE@ouhsc.edu or (405)-271-5557

This seminar series will explore the principles and practices of mindfulness as they relate to social and emotional intelligence, mind-body awareness, and interpersonal and interprofessional relationships. Participants will examine how mindfulness can reduce personal and interpersonal stress, and learn skills and strategies for navigating health workforce settings more effectively. Concepts will be applied to interprofessional teams.


Session #6 will focus on understanding the role of mind-body connection in developing professional self-regulation as well as reviewing different techniques to develop interprofessionoal flexibility. 


For enrollment:


Please complete a short form to register for an upcoming session: https://ouhsc.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3HKgQAqC9BrnADX 

Enrollment available to the OUHSC Campus Community. Seats are limited for in-person sessions. Webinar recordings will be available online.