Brian A. Chenoweth, M.D., has established his practice with OU Physicians. He has also been named an assistant professor of orthopedic surgery with the University of Oklahoma College of Medicine.
Drew P. Kelly, M.D., has established his practice with OU Physicians. He has also been named an assistant professor of orthopedic surgery with the University of Oklahoma College of Medicine.
Natalie Elizabeth-Ann Banks, M.D., has established her surgical practice with OU Physicians. She has also been named a clinical assistant professor for the University of Oklahoma College of Medicine.
Huimin Wu, M.D., a board-certified pulmonologist, has established her practice with OU Physicians. She has also been named an assistant professor with the University of Oklahoma College of Medicine.
The five-year grant will strengthen translational research, particularly in the area of treatment-resistant cancers, across the OU Health Sciences Center, the academic partner of OU Medicine.
An Oklahoma woman is one of the first patients outside of a clinical trial to experience the benefits of a new, non-surgical treatment for her chronic stuffy nose.